"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
— Edgar Allan Poe

Sunday, May 29, 2011

And this be why Inns were made to sleep in...

“I said get off her ya’damned worm infested bastard”, Geralt hollered at the zombie feasting on Mirela’s bloodstained body as the hand-axe he acquired from the peasant only hours earlier sliced through the air hitting it clean in the center of it’s head.

The zombie’s brains splattered against the inside wall of the mausoleum with the force of the blow destroying the creature instantly, “Damn, fools ain’t none of you got more sense then them villagers back there.”

The young wizardress, Xella scowled at Geralt and then looked down at Mirela’s body, “I believe she is dead.”

Geralt turned to look at her with his one good eye, “She ain’t dead yet, but it ain’t for the lack o’trying.”

Geralt then spat on the ground near the feet of the young Paladin of Abadar, “Death ain't coming for no one here tonight lest I want her to, you see me and Pharasma we got’s ourselves a deal.”

The young gunfighter looked at him quizzically, “Oh, really sir and what deal might that be?”

Geralt spat again, “well the deal is she don’t take someone I be protecting and I don’t convert to her faith.”

Dwarf covered in slime from the creature he dispatched in the tunnel chuckled at that.

Geralt wiped the spittle from his beard, “ and also I makes it a point to send her back all the undead monsters I gets the chance too.”

Grimm the Paladin slowly dropped to one knee at Mirela’s body and looking up at Geralt, “well can she be saved then?”

Geralt shoved the bloody hand-axe in his belt and held his hand over Mirela’s body muttering a divine pray, “Tell me Phrasma do you need this one in ye'Graveyard tonight?”

Xella furrowed her eyebrows thinking the old man a fool,”Do you truly believe this will work old man?”

Geralt stood fixed Xella with his one good eye for a long moment then turned his head to spit on the ground behind him. As he turned back to look at Xella, “well that be up to her and whatever God she worships now don’t it?” he said pointing at Mirela’s body.

Grimm looking almost as bad as Mirela stared up at both Geralt and Xella, “Well, I will pray to Abadar that she does make it,” as he picked up her body to carry it to the other crypt.

Geralt coughed out a laugh, “well she better still owes me some gold for saving her ass back in that cage.”

As the party settled into the other crypt, Geralt sealed the door and then then turned to look around at the motley crew he now found himself in the company of.

Geralt knew ain't none of them going to stand a chance traveling in Ustalav without his protection, “well y’all better get some rest I will keep an eye out for anymore creatures and next time whens I tell ya it ain’t safe to sleep somewhere, ye best be listening to me.”