"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
— Edgar Allan Poe

Monday, April 11, 2011

Xella the Necromancess

Xella the Necromancess

LN Medium human, female (middle-aged)
Init +1; Perception +0

HP 7(1d6 +1)
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (10 +1dex)
Fort +1(0), Ref +1(0), Will +3(3)

Speed 30 ft. (30 ft.)
Melee touch -1 (20/x2)
Range touch +1 (20/x2)
Arcane Bond (baoding balls), 1/day
Power over Undead 8/day (DC15)
Bolster Undead 8/day
Spells Prepared (3/3+1, CL 1st)
0 (DC15)-disrupt undead, daze, open slot
1st (DC16)-mage armor, shield, sleep, open slot

Spellbook (Enchantments of the Blessed)
1st-unseen servant, shield, magic missile, mage armor, charm person, cause fear, detect undead, sleep; 0-resistance, acid splash, detect magic, detect poison, read magic, daze, dancing lights, flare, light, ray of frost, spark, bleed, disrupt undead, touch of fatigue, arcane mark, prestidigitation, penumbra

Spellbook (Grave of the Dead)
3rd—blood biography,
ray of exhaustion, vampiric
touch, vitriol;
create treasure map,
ghoul touch, spectral
hand, stone call, web;
1st—burning hands,
touch, disguise self, mage
armor, protection from good, ray
of enfeeblement,
sculpt corpse,
shield, true strike, ventriloquism;
0—resistance, acid splash, detect magic, detect poison, ghost sound, read magic, dancing lights, flare, light, ray of frost, spark, bleed, disrupt undead, touch of fatigue, arcane mark, prestidigitation, penumbra

Str 9 , Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +10; CMD 11
Skills Knowledge[ Arcana +11(1), Dungeon +9(1), Geography +9(1), History +9(1), Local +9(1), Religion +9(1), Planes+9(1)], Linguistics +9(1), Spellcraft +9(1)
SQ Arcane School(necromancy:undead), Prohibited Schools(illusion, transmutation), Cantrips
Traits teacher’s pet(arcane), rich parents; Favored Class wizard(skill)
Feats Wiz1-Scribe Scroll, 1-Improved Channel, Hu-Spell Focus(necromancy), 3-Undead Master, Wiz5-Fast Study, 5-Quick Channel

Languages common, kelesh, ancient osiriani, necril, abyssal, draconic, infernal

Adventuring Gear ( lbs, - : Light Load)
Equipped-courtier's outfit, baoding balls; Scroll Case-scroll of [chill touch, sculpt corpse, feather fall, comprehend languages, restore corpse, decompose corpse]; Backpack-spellbooks(2), bedroll, blanket, trail rations (3 days), candle(2), case[vial of ink, inkpen, paper x10]; Belt Pouch-potion of cure light wounds